Monday, 11 May 2020

Monday 11th May 2020

Good Morning Room 22

Here is our new slideshow for all of your amazing learning! Thank you Chloe for already sending in what she did over the weekend. You rock!

I can't wait to see what you share with me today!

From Miss Stuhlmann


  1. Hi Chloe, what a great boat you made! I'd love to know if the boat was able to float in water? I bet your mum loved her Mothers day card. Lucky Mum!

  2. What a lovely Mother's Day card, Chloe. I'm sure your mother will treasure it. You've done some great learning about Australia, Samuel. What an awesome car, Rabab. You've been very creative.

  3. Lots of different things on today's slideshow. Your boat is very impressive Chloe and what a lovely card for your Mum! I like how you matched the pictures to the countries Samuel and I wonder what happened in your milk experiment. Rabab, you car worked so well and your vegetable person was very cute Yasmin. Great to see Jerry using the Scholastics slide to learn about ponds - there's such a lot of intersting information on there!

  4. Morning Room 22, I want to come to your class, you seem to be doing some awesome distance learning!

  5. Yasmin and Carl your vegetable people are very creative, did you want to eat them after you'd made them or have you kept them? Samuel you have done some fantastic learning about NZ and Australia, well done. Rabab and Chloe you have made a great boat and car with recycled things from home, isn't it amazing what we can create with things that may have already been used once. Frida, did you enjoy your flight to Fiji? Did you hand out some lollies?? What a fun idea, hopefully one day soon you will be able to take your trip to the sunny island.

  6. Your boat is awesome, Chloe. Great job!
    How clever, linking NZ to our neighbour Australia. Well done Samuel.
    Your car is very cool, Rabab! Well done.
    What a fantastic play, Elsa!
    Aw Frida what a cool idea. I am meant to be going home for a holiday to England in December but I doubt I'll be able to go. Maybe I could do the same?
    What lovely work with Aroha, Emme.

    Your vege person looks delicious Yasmin.
    Awesome poster Jerry! Keep up the awesome reading.
    Yummy vege people Carl. Were they tasty?
    You must be so good at Science now Jackson! Very clever!


Fun Day and End of Term 4

 Hi Family and Friends It has been a wonderful year in Room 22. We have enjoyed learning and having fun together.  Here is a video from our ...